Mexico weather in Vancouver in June

Okay, the weather in Vancouver is unseasonably Mexico-like right now. Climate change. Never in my life have I ever had to use a fan before July.

I’m not a huge fan (the other kind of fan) of the hot, hot, heat and climate change needs to take a chill pill. I’m pretty miserable in the heat.

But Tank, you spend so much time in Mexico. What’s up with that if heat isn’t your thing? I’m off to Cozumel in two weeks for a spot of scuba diving. The great thing about diving in Mexico is this. It involves water, typically warm water, and doesn’t put one in direct sunlight. Diving rarely involves extreme heat.

A Cozumel friend.

When I’m not submerged, I can handle Mexican heat most of the time. If I can’t, there’s EXCELLENT air conditioning and margaritas. Mexicans know how to cool stuff. Another reason why I love Mexico. (I don’t love the corruption that keeps working people poor, the drug cartels, or the roosters crowing outside my accommodation at 5 a.m.). Everything else is great.

This is a plea for those in charge of this world to deal with climate change. What we don’t need is a hot, miserable Tank staggering around in between trips to Mexico.